On May 26, 2016 Jackie Mangiolino and her husband welcomed their beautiful baby boy, Richard Peter.

He weighed 2lbs 2oz, was 14 weeks premature, and his birth literally saved Jackie's life. Jackie developed HELLP Syndrome, a rare, potentially fatal pregnancy complication that can only be cured by delivery.

The Mangiolino family spent 99 days in the NICU, it was there that The Everyday Mother was born.


When Richie was in the NICU, I kept meticulous notes while pumping, With poor internet service in the hospital, I needed something pen and paper, and easy to pop in my pumping bag, but couldn't find anything on the market to help me.

Even more, I wanted it to be BEAUTIFUL, you know, to perk up the oh-so-glamorous task of pumping.

This is when I decided to create something for myself and other NICU mothers.

At first, I created a simple template and printed it at home. I gave that template to my lactation consultants and nurses, who then gave it to other NICU moms. I knew it was something special when I was sitting next to a mother using my template and was praising how much it helped her.

After leaving the NICU, there were even more daily activities I needed to track (diapers, naps, tummy time!). I expanded the template, had it professionally bound, and added beautiful finishing details.

Enter, The Everyday Mother as you know it today.

In our own home, The Everyday Mother is our family command central. Not only do my husband and I use it, but our babysitters, doctors, and specialists rely on it, too. It keeps everybody on the same page, and relieves me from having to remember all the details, all the time.


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Daily Baby Tracker

Daily Baby Tracker

Dotti Cover From $24.95

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Daily Baby Tracker

Daily Baby Tracker

Flower Fairies Cover From $24.95

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Daily Baby Tracker

Daily Baby Tracker

Peonies Cover From $24.95

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